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Enhance CI

Cresson Remi requested to merge 68-enhance-ci into develop

This MR is to valid / fallback changes done in the CI.
In fact I already added the only:changes rule while working on !75 , but there is still room for improvement :

  • do not retest unchanged files (we can discuss it if you see a scenario where we need to force tests on unchanged files)
  • remove useless $TEST_INPUT_IMAGE var
  • use the "interruptible" keyword to cancel obsolete pipelines if another one is queued
  • remove flake8 (pylint is already doing same and more)
  • cache dependencies (only pip packages)
  • unique steps for docs, manual build, webhook also for develop branch events (but master is still default docs page)
  • better trigger rules (based on MR + tags, + push release (manual trigger) for branch develop or master
  • use latest image (is there a otb-ubuntu-native-develop-headless:22.04 ?)

Packaging is OK. In theory we could also remove the
Also, a develop version of the docs should be pushed when merged.
Regarding the last two points in the desc, waiting for your advice.

FYI I used the gitlab CI script editor, it's useful for syntax (and autoformat) Closes #68 (closed) #95

Edited by Cresson Remi

Merge request reports
