**cgi** workflow , which agree to FAIR principles , was built in Nexflow dsl2 language, with singularity container for used softwares, optimized in terms of computing resources (cpu, memory), and its use on a informatic farm with a slurm scheduler.
- CpG islands defined using [EMBOSS newcpgreport](
- CpG islands defined using [UCSC cpg_lh](
## Install CGI flow and build singularity image
Clone CGI git and build local singularity image (with system admin rights) based on the provided singularity definition file.
git clone
sudo singularity build ./cgi/singularity/CGI.sif ./cgi/singularity/CGI.def
## Usage example
design.csv file must have *ID* and *target* header and write with comma separator.
### ENBOSS newcpgreport
module load containers/singularity/3.9.9
module load bioinfo/Nextflow/23.04.3
nextflow run /work/project/lpgp/Nextflow/cgi/ \
-profile slurm \
--newcpgreport \
--window 100 \
--shift 1 \
--minlen 200 \
--minoe 0.6 \
--minpc 50 \
--cpglh \
--out_dir "${PWD}/results"
module load containers/singularity/3.9.9
nextflow run /work/project/lpgp/Nextflow/cgi/ \
-profile slurm \
module load containers/singularity/3.9.9
nextflow run /work/project/lpgp/Nextflow/cgi/ \
-profile slurm \
### G4 sliding windows
#SBATCH --mem=10GB
#SBATCH -p unlimitq
module load containers/singularity/3.9.9
module load bioinfo/Nextflow/21.10.6
nextflow run /work/project/lpgp/Nextflow/cgi/ \
-profile slurm \
--input "design.csv" \
--G4hunter \
--G4hunter_shift 200 \
--G4hunter_window 200 \
--out_dir "${PWD}/results"
Please refer to [EMBOSS newcpgreport](, and [UCSC cpg_lh]( for complete arguments explanation.
# newcpgreport options
newcpgreport = false
window = 100
shift = 1
minlen = 200
minoe = 0.6
minpc = 50
# cpg_lh
cpglh = false
# ObsExp
obsexp = false
obsexp_shift = 200
obsexp_window = 200
// G4hunter
G4hunter = false
G4hunter_shift = 200
G4hunter_window = 200