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Prepare merge for v1.2.0

PIAT LUCIEN requested to merge dev into main

Massive changes in the code occurred in the version :

  • The workflow now use a new version of Snakemake>=8.4.7 that efficiently manage computational resources across multiple nodes using the SLURM executor plugin.
  • The workflow got simplified by reducing the code size, unifying rules, and improving clarity with better comments and advanced Snakemake functions.
    • Codbase got reduced from 1726 lines to 1105 and the number of rules got reduced from 48 to 20.
      • Now a script dynamically launch the right hifiasm command
      • Now a script dynamically launch purge_dups or not based on user choice
  • New features got added such as QUAST, RagTag and LTR elements identification.
  • Many options got added in the workflow to allow user to fine tune the execution
  • Resources allocated to each rules got revised
  • Greatly increase the verbose of the workflow
  • All tools got updated, noticeably hifiasm got upgraded from version 0.16.1 to 0.24.0-r703
Edited by Ludovic Duvaux

Merge request reports
