Improve landing page
Edit: new direction for landing page
The objective of the landing page is to propose entry points to the different types & subtypes of data present on the website, i.e.:
- The modification types: All, Nm, Psi...
- The targets: All, maybe too much targets to display them individually here...?
- The guides: All, C/D box, H/ACA box...
- The organisms (previously Statistics or species): display them all or not ? For now not too many (3), but will probably increase with time, maybe to a point where it becomes too many to display...?
- Comparative data (TDB)
To achieve this, several menus are displayed, one for each type of data, with submenu corresponding for subtypes of data. Those menus lead, except for the Organisms & Comparative data ones, to the data table page, with relevant filters applied to only show column corresponding to the clicked data type (e.g. when clicking on Nm submenu, only the columns corresponding to the modification & the organism should be shown, and modification type filtered to Nm
Additionally, for modification, guide & target, an additional submenu Advanced selection is present and leads to a dedicated view where data selection can be refined by applying more than one filter to the table when navigating to it, and also potentially view the data in another form (e.g. on the linear or 2D sequence).
The resulting menu structure is then the following:
- Modifications
- All
- Nm
- Psi
- ...
- Advanced modification selection
- Guides
- All
- C/D box
- H/ACA box
- ...
- Advanced guide selection
- Targets
- All
- Maybe too much targets to display here...?
- Advanced target selection
- Comparative data/Conservation
- Modifications
- Guides
- Targets
- Statistics
- Website-wide
- Per organism (previously Statistics or species): display them all or not ? For now not too many (3), but will probably increase with time, maybe to a point where it becomes too many to display...?
See for a wireframe of what is expected
Note: It is also necessary to enable deduplication on the rows, to avoid having many time the same data (e.g. we will then have a single row for the 18S of each organism).
Old objectives
Moving the "Clear" button in a less attractive area and make it more discreet place so it doesn't get mixed up with a "Confirm" button(Clear button isn't actually needed) -
Making the button cleaner, bigger font, clearer text, larger corner radius -
Changing logo ? -
Maybe remove the search bar while it is not implemented