Project 'Mutua16s' always appears in the obsolete project list
During the purge process, the alert mail for the Mutua16s project has been sent 19 times. There should be only one mail per project.
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- Romain Therville changed due date to February 08, 2021
changed due date to February 08, 2021
- Romain Therville changed milestone to %V3.2.8
changed milestone to %V3.2.8
- Romain Therville added Dysfunction label
added Dysfunction label
- Author Developer
First question, does the problem come from the user?
Apache access log:
- - - [29/Jan/2021:18:19:15 +0100] "GET /index.php?eID=tx_nG6&type=refresh_purge_list&max_retention_date=31/01/2021&filter_space=longterm_bioinfo&create_users=&without_lab=&with_lab= HTTP/1.1" 200 94056 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0"
- - - [29/Jan/2021:18:19:27 +0100] "GET /index.php?eID=tx_nG6&type=purge_managment_mail&project=1218,319,1023,409,1075,794,410,742,1250&user_id=1305 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0"
- - - [29/Jan/2021:18:19:40 +0100] "GET /index.php?eID=tx_nG6&type=purge_managment_mail&project=1218,319,578,935,771,173,863,1279,7&user_id=1305 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0"
- - - [29/Jan/2021:18:19:53 +0100] "GET /index.php?eID=tx_nG6&type=purge_managment_mail&project=1218,319,1279,1140,725,213,1047,1065,963&user_id=1305 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0"
The problem seems to concern 4 projects, 'Mutua16s', 'INTIMIO', 'DACR' and 'REIDSOCS'. Even when the purge alert is sent, those project still appear in the "purgeable" list. So if a user selects all projects by default, the alert is sent a second time. They are not filtered from the list properly.
Edited by Romain Therville - Author Developer
More info:
The project Mutua16s is not filtered out because some of its runs don't have a 'tx_nG6_run'.'purge_demand_id' set (it is NULL).
So next question, why are some expired runs not included in the project's purge demand?
- Author Developer
Some runs were not included because their expiration dates were after the purge launched by Didier:
- Purge : ven. 29/01/2021 18:22
- Run 14807 expiration : Friday 29 January 2021 23:00:00
(Runs concerned : 14806,14807,14808,14809,14813,14814,14815,14816)
New better question : Why did 19 purge alert mails have been sent for the same set of runs?
Edited by Romain Therville - Author Developer
After the mails have been sent, the run table has not been updated to set the 'mail_sent_date' and 'purge_demand_id' values. (That's why the project was still in the list, and the runs were still considered purgeable.)
- Author Developer
So, the code has been reviewed, the requests have been tested, traces have been added and the purge alert mail has been tested with 2 supposedly bugged projects (DACR and REIDSOCS).
Those project were removed from the "purgeable" list, the purge demands were well constructed, no bug to see here.
I'm going to put this issue on hold, and get back to it during the next purge if we can get some additionnal exemples or leads to investigate.
- Romain Therville removed Dysfunction label
removed Dysfunction label
- Romain Therville added Bug label
added Bug label
- Romain Therville mentioned in commit daaf9194
mentioned in commit daaf9194
- Romain Therville mentioned in commit fb2a24f1
mentioned in commit fb2a24f1
- Romain Therville mentioned in merge request !113 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !113 (merged)
- Author Developer
Need a trigger to prevent the insertion of a second purge demand per project?
DELIMITER ;; CREATE TRIGGER check_demand_insert BEFORE INSERT ON `tx_nG6_purge_demand` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE var_demand_state, var_project_id, var_count int; SELECT demand_state, project_id, count(*) as count INTO var_demand_state, var_project_id, var_count FROM tx_nG6_purge_demand WHERE demand_state = 'sent' AND project_id = new.project_id GROUP BY demand_state, project_id; IF var_count > 0 THEN set @message_text = concat('A purge demand already exists for project ', new.project_id); signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = @message_text; END IF; END; ;;
- Romain Therville mentioned in commit 530ee80d
mentioned in commit 530ee80d
- Romain Therville mentioned in merge request !116 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !116 (merged)
- Romain Therville mentioned in commit b85d50a1
mentioned in commit b85d50a1
- Romain Therville mentioned in commit e450a49e
mentioned in commit e450a49e
- Romain Therville mentioned in merge request !117 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !117 (closed)
- Romain Therville mentioned in commit b81c8185
mentioned in commit b81c8185