diff --git a/assets/multiqc_config.yaml b/assets/multiqc_config.yaml
index 47abb58bbbe6d5a9b89d43f00d6bc833eb32c1d0..593ca971441b8ba1e1e076dde1378c14d9f3d21b 100644
--- a/assets/multiqc_config.yaml
+++ b/assets/multiqc_config.yaml
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ table_columns_visible:
 ## Sample name formatting
+  - "_qualimap_results"
   - "_filtered"
   - "_unmerged"
   - "_flagstat"
diff --git a/bin/createNGLBiReadSets.pl b/bin/createNGLBiReadSets.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index e5cdf2e378a6637bf0c5ef4fd97470eeefe2fcca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/createNGLBiReadSets.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-binmode STDIN,  ':encoding(UTF-8)';
-binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
-binmode STDERR, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
-=head1 NAME
- createNGLBiReadSets.pl
- Performe readSets creation on NGL-Bi
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- createNGLBiReadSets.pl --infoFile <path> --env_ngl_bi <ENV>
-=head1 OPTIONS
- --infoFile=s : path to the info file
- --env_ngl_bi=s : environment varible of ngl-bi
-=head1 EXEMPLES
- perl createNGLBiReadSets.pl --infoFile <path> --env_ngl_bi <ENV>
-=head1 AUTHOR
- Jules Sabban pour Plateforme genomique Toulouse (get-plage.bioinfo@genotoul.fr)
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Log::Log4perl  qw(:easy);;
-Log::Log4perl -> easy_init( {   level    => $TRACE,
-                                utf8     => 1,
-                                layout   => '[%d][%p>createNGLBiReadSets.pl:L%L] %m%n' } );
-my $logger = Log::Log4perl -> get_logger();
-my $infoFile="";
-my $env_ngl_bi = "";
-GetOptions ('infoFile=s' => \$infoFile,
-			"env_ngl_bi=s" => \$env_ngl_bi, 	# environnement path of NGL-Bi
-if ($env_ngl_bi eq "" || $infoFile eq "" ) {
-	$logger -> logdie("USAGE : createNGLBiReadSets.pl --infoFile <File> --env_ngl_bi <ENV>\n");
-my $experimentName="";
-my $runName="";
-my $laneNumber="";
-my $script_path="/save/sbsuser/scripts-ngs/NGL-Bi_client_Current/GeT/perl"; # Répertoire des scripts de l'API NGL
-$logger = Log::Log4perl -> get_logger('loadConfFile');
-unless ($ENV{CONFFILE}) {
-	$logger -> logdie("$0 : Database configuration file not defined ! Initialize 'CONFFILE' with configuration file path in your environment");
-my $dbconf_file = $ENV{CONFFILE};
-unless (-f $dbconf_file) {
-	$logger -> logdie("$0 : Database configuration file does not exist : $dbconf_file. It's necessary for continue.");
-open my $handle, '<', $dbconf_file;
-chomp ( my @lines = <$handle> );
-close $handle;
-foreach my $line (@lines) {
-	$line =~ s/#.*//o;
-	unless ($line) {next;}
-	if ($line =~ /(.*)=(.*)/o) {
-		my $key = $1;
-		my $value = $2;
-		$key =~ s/^\s*//o;
-		$key =~ s/\s*$//o;
-		$value =~ s/^\s*//o;
-		$value =~ s/^\s*//o;
-		$ENV{$key} = $value;
-	} else {
-		$logger -> logdie("$0 : Can't load variable to dababase configration file $dbconf_file in line : '$_'");
-	}
-unshift @INC, $env_ngl_bi."Common_tools/src/perl/lib";
-unshift @INC, $env_ngl_bi."DB_tools/src/perl/lib";
-require illumina;
-require json;
-$logger -> info("\tVariables d'environnement pour NGL-Bi charées.");
-$experimentName=`grep "ExperimentName" $infoFile | cut -d';' -f2` or $logger -> logdie("[Erreur] grep ExperimentName impossible : $!");
-$runName=`grep "NGLBiRunName" $infoFile | cut -d';' -f2` or $logger -> logdie("[Erreur] grep NGLBiRunName impossible : $!");
-$laneNumber=`grep "LaneNumber" $infoFile | cut -d';' -f2` or $logger -> logdie("[Erreur] grep LaneNumber impossible : $!");
-my $commandNGLBiReadSets = "perl $script_path/createNGL-BiReadSets.pl --NGLBiRunCode $runName --NGLSqExperimentCode $experimentName --laneNumberToWorkOn $laneNumber";
-$logger -> info("\tCreation des readSets dans NGL-Bi : ".$commandNGLBiReadSets);
-my $result_commandNGLBiReadSets = `$commandNGLBiReadSets 2>&1`; $? and $logger -> logdie("[Erreur]Lancement de createNGL-BiReadSets.pl\n".$result_commandNGLBiReadSets);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/demuxStatsFromXML.R b/bin/demuxStatsFromXML.R
index 78a40fced5c49221146ed7e903f187a8e159895e..247e49873ef46f4db8e17cf8b6f5dc7c1f80f509 100755
--- a/bin/demuxStatsFromXML.R
+++ b/bin/demuxStatsFromXML.R
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ cat("Rassemblement des statistiques par échantillons.\n")
 for (line in 1:dim(indexNumber)[1]){
 	mySample<-indexNumber[line, "Sample"]
 	mySampleNumber<-indexNumber[line, "NumberOfIndex"]
-	cat("\nEtude de l'échantillon : " , mySample, "\n")
+	cat("\nEtude de l'échantillon : " , mySample, "(" , mySampleNumber, "index )\n")
 	# Single Index Case
 	if (mySampleNumber == 1) {
 		df.singleLine<-df[which(df$Sample == mySample),]
@@ -126,9 +126,10 @@ for (line in 1:dim(indexNumber)[1]){
 		if (nrow(sub.df) == 0) {
 			cat("Aucun échantillon trouvé !\n")
-			cat("La recherche de l'échantillon",mySample, "dans le data.table suivant à échouée :\n")
+			cat("La recherche de l'échantillon", paste0(mySample, sampleName.suffixe), "dans le data.table suivant à échouée :\n")
 		} else {
+			countBarcodesDone = 1
 			# Parcours du sous-data.frame
 			for (l in 1:dim(sub.df)[1]) {
 				sub.df.project<-sub.df[l, "Project"]
@@ -138,17 +139,20 @@ for (line in 1:dim(indexNumber)[1]){
 				sub.df.oneMismatch<-as.numeric(sub.df[l, "bcOneMismatch"])	# bcOneMismatch
 				# Première iteration
-				if (l == 1 ) {
-					sub.df.project.toAdd<-sub.df.project
-					sub.df.barcode.toAdd<-sub.df.barcode
-					sub.df.bcCount.toAdd<-sub.df.bcCount
-					sub.df.bcPerfect.toAdd<-sub.df.bcPerfect
-					sub.df.oneMismatch.toAdd<-sub.df.oneMismatch
-				} else {
-					sub.df.barcode.toAdd<-paste0(sub.df.barcode.toAdd, "+", sub.df.barcode)
-					sub.df.bcCount.toAdd<-sub.df.bcCount.toAdd+sub.df.bcCount
-					sub.df.bcPerfect.toAdd<-sub.df.bcPerfect.toAdd+sub.df.bcPerfect
-					sub.df.oneMismatch.toAdd<-sub.df.oneMismatch.toAdd+sub.df.oneMismatch
+				countBarcodesDone = countBarcodesDone + str_count(sub.df.barcode, "\\+")
+				if (countBarcodesDone <= mySampleNumber) {
+					if (l == 1 ) {
+						sub.df.project.toAdd<-sub.df.project
+						sub.df.barcode.toAdd<-sub.df.barcode
+						sub.df.bcCount.toAdd<-sub.df.bcCount
+						sub.df.bcPerfect.toAdd<-sub.df.bcPerfect
+						sub.df.oneMismatch.toAdd<-sub.df.oneMismatch
+					} else {
+						sub.df.barcode.toAdd<-paste0(sub.df.barcode.toAdd, "+", sub.df.barcode)
+						sub.df.bcCount.toAdd<-sub.df.bcCount.toAdd+sub.df.bcCount
+						sub.df.bcPerfect.toAdd<-sub.df.bcPerfect.toAdd+sub.df.bcPerfect
+						sub.df.oneMismatch.toAdd<-sub.df.oneMismatch.toAdd+sub.df.oneMismatch
+					}
 			# Add to data.frame
@@ -180,14 +184,14 @@ if(nrow(tabUndetermined) > 0) { head(tabUndetermined) }
 # Construction du dataFrame pour intégration à df2
-myProject<-df2.Projects[which(df2.Projects != "default")]
+#myProject<-df2.Projects[which(df2.Projects != "default")]
 ### Pour chaque ligne de tabUndertermined, on ajoute une ligne à df2 :
 if (dim(tabUndetermined)[1] != 0) {
 	for (i in 1:dim(tabUndetermined)[1]) {
-		df.tabUndetermined.tmp<-data.frame(myProject, "Undetermined", tabUndetermined[i, "Index"], tabUndetermined[i, "Count"], "-", "-")
+		df.tabUndetermined.tmp<-data.frame("default", "Undetermined", tabUndetermined[i, "Index"], tabUndetermined[i, "Count"], "-", "-")
 		df.tabUndetermined<-concat_df(df.tabUndetermined, df.tabUndetermined.tmp, vec.names)
@@ -198,11 +202,11 @@ if (dim(tabUndetermined)[1] != 0) {
 ## Soustraction des undertermined aux allOthers
-# recuperer les Count de tabUndetermined et soustraire la somme à df2[which(df2$Project == "default"), "bcCount"]
+# recuperer les Count de tabUndetermined et soustraire la somme à df2[which(df2$Barcode == "unknown"), "bcCount"]
 cat("\nQuelques calculs sur les données avant de les exporter.\n")
 cat("\tActualisation du nombre d'index 'AllOthers'.\n")
-df2[which(df2$Project == "default"), "bcCount"]<-as.numeric(df2[which(df2$Project == "default"), "bcCount"])-undertermined.count
+df2[which(df2$Barcode == "unknown"), "bcCount"]<-as.numeric(df2[which(df2$Barcode == "unknown"), "bcCount"])-undertermined.count
 # Calcul pourcentages de chaque barcode
 cat("\tCalcul du pourcentage sur le nombre de fragments total.\n")
@@ -216,9 +220,9 @@ df2<-cbind(df2, percentOfFragment)
 # Export du data.frame
 cat("\nSauvegarde du data.frame.\n")
 # mettre des 0 à la place des NA dans df2
-write.table(df2, row.names = FALSE, quote = F, sep = "\t", file = paste0("DemultiplexStats_", myProject, ".csv"))
+write.table(df2, row.names = FALSE, quote = F, sep = "\t", file = paste0("DemultiplexStats.tsv"))
 # Ecrire un fichier par valeur de myProject ! Cas ou il y a plusieurs projets sur la même lane.
-cat(paste0("\tLe fichier suivant à été créé :\t", launchDir, "/DemultiplexStats_", myProject, ".csv\n"))
+cat(paste0("\tLe fichier suivant à été créé :\t", launchDir, "/DemultiplexStats.tsv\n"))
 cat("\nFin normale du script, on sort.\n")
diff --git a/bin/extractInfoForDemuxStats.pl b/bin/extractInfoForDemuxStats.pl
index eddd76002844721da55861e7dce013f0fafdc69c..f3a51a07909d7a04cf717b3e9e438930ad44eb9c 100755
--- a/bin/extractInfoForDemuxStats.pl
+++ b/bin/extractInfoForDemuxStats.pl
@@ -96,11 +96,6 @@ foreach my $line (@lines) {
 		$machineName = $machineName =~ /^NOVASEQ/ ? 'NOVASEQ' : $machineName;
-	# Recherche du nom du projet
-	if ($line =~ /^Infos/) {
-		$projectName = $cur_line[1];
-	}
 	# Recherche des positions des Sample_ID et des Index_ID
 	elsif ($line =~ m/${regexForDataHeader{$machineName}}/) {
 		while ( my ( $indice, $valeur ) = each @cur_line ) { 
@@ -109,13 +104,19 @@ foreach my $line (@lines) {
-	# Association Sample_ID avec sont nombre d'index
+	# Association Sample_ID avec son nombre d'index
 	elsif ($line =~ m/${regexForSampleLine{$machineName}}/) {
 		my $sample_ID = $cur_line[$sample_ID_position];
 		my $index_number=0;
 		my @cur_index_ID = ();
 		foreach my $pos (@index_ID_position) {
-			if ($cur_line[$pos] =~ /\w{2}-\w{2}-\w{2}/) { $index_number = 4; } else { $index_number += 1; }
+			if ($cur_line[$pos] =~ /^SI-T|NT-\w{2}$/) { 
+				$index_number = 2;
+			} elsif ($cur_line[$pos] =~ /^\w{2}-\w{2}-\w{2}$/) {
+				$index_number = 4;
+			} else { 
+				$index_number += 1; 
+			}
 		$sample_info{$sample_ID} = $index_number;
@@ -128,8 +129,7 @@ foreach my $k (keys(%sample_info)) {
-$projectName = $projectName eq "" ? 'noName' : $projectName;
-my $file2write = "$projectName.indexNumber";
+my $file2write = "indexNumber.tsv";
 open(my $fh, '>', $file2write) or exit 1;
 print $fh $content;
diff --git a/bin/parse_reports.sh b/bin/parse_reports.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7d46ace6a8a5e5eb7cd5727024670460632ed50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/parse_reports.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+## Get values
+DUPLI=$(jq '.duplication.rate' $FASTP_REPORT)
+TOT_SEQ=$(( $(sed -n 's/number of reads = \(.*\)/\1/p' $QUALIMAP_REPORT | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/,//g') / 2 ))
+INSERT=$(sed -n 's/median insert size = \(.*\)/\1/p' $QUALIMAP_REPORT | sed 's/ //g')
+GC_PERCENT=$(sed -n 's/GC percentage = \(.*%\)/\1/p' $QUALIMAP_REPORT | sed 's/ //g')
+GEN_COV=$(grep ">= 1X" $QUALIMAP_REPORT | sed -n 's/There is a \(.*%\) of.*/\1/p' | sed 's/ //g')
+MEAN_COV=$(sed -n 's/mean coverageData.*= \(.*X\)/\1/p' $QUALIMAP_REPORT | sed 's/ //g')
+ALIGN=$(sed -n 's/number of mapped reads =.*(\(.*%\))/\1/p' $QUALIMAP_REPORT | sed 's/ //g')
+## Write stat file
+echo "duplication_rate: $DUPLI" >> $O_STAT
+echo "total_sequences: $TOT_SEQ" >> $O_STAT
+echo "mean_insert_size: $INSERT" >> $O_STAT
+echo "GC_percent: $GC_PERCENT" >> $O_STAT
+echo "genome_cov_percent: $GEN_COVcat " >> $O_STAT
+echo "mean_cov: $MEAN_COV" >> $O_STAT
+echo "align_percent: $ALIGN" >> $O_STAT
+## Write export file
+echo "Sample;Tot_seq;Duplication_rate;Mean_insert_size;%GC;%Genome_cov;Mean_cov;%Align" > $O_CSV
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/base.config b/conf/base.config
index b99f889c90e3fab39851521f887ee5b6a8196c0f..43666af5cd52d46af158ab99024599ab1f6ac1d7 100644
--- a/conf/base.config
+++ b/conf/base.config
@@ -1,62 +1,8 @@
 // ========================================
-//				PARAMS
-System.out.println "Chargement des paramètres de base"
-// Fixed params
+// Print of analysis parameters
 params {
-	// General params
-	outdir = "./"			// base output directory for all analysis
-	inputdir = ""
-	project = ""
-	sequencer = ""
-	machine_id = ""
-	fc_id = ""
-	fc_type = ""
-	lane = ""
-	demux_uniqueness = ""
-	data_nature = ""
-	species = ""
-	is_multiplex = false
-	run_name = ""
-	run_date = ""
-	description = ""
-	split_reads = false
-	// DNA / RNA params
-	reference_genome = ""
-	make_star_index = false
-	reference_transcriptome = ""
-	// Amplicon / 16S params
-	min_overlap = ""
-	max_overlap = ""
-	// 10X params
-	// MethylSeq params
-	puc19 = ""
-	lambda = ""
-	// NGL
-	insert_to_ngl = true
-	bi_run_code = ''
-	sq_xp_code = ''
-params.samplesheet = params.inputdir.toString() + "/SampleSheet.csv"
-params.data_location = params.inputdir.toString() + "/" + params.project.toString()
-// Dynamic params
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
-SimpleDateFormat uniqueness_format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss")
-params {
-	nf_uniqueness = uniqueness_format.format(new Date())
-	outdir= params.inputdir + "/nextflow/" + project + "_" + run_name + "_" + nf_uniqueness
 	System.out.println ""
 	System.out.println "run_name : "+run_name
 	System.out.println "data : "+data_nature
@@ -70,32 +16,6 @@ params {
 	System.out.println ""
-// Dynamic params depending on samples number
-import java.nio.file.Files
-import java.nio.file.Paths
-def n_read_files = Files.walk(Paths.get(params.data_location))
-	.filter(Files::isRegularFile)
-	.filter(p -> p.getFileName().toString().matches(".*_R[12](_.*)?\\.fastq\\.gz"))
-	.count()
-params.n_samples = n_read_files / 2
-params.resource_factor = 0.1 * params.n_samples
-params {
-	bytes_subset_seq = miseq_subset_byte
-	subset_seq = miseq_subset_seq
-	if ( sequencer =~ /NovaSeq.*/ ) {
-		if ( n_samples >= large_sampling_threshold ) {
-			nova_subset_byte = large_indexing_nova_subset_byte
-			nova_subset_seq = large_indexing_nova_subset_seq
-		}
-		bytes_subset_seq = nova_subset_byte
-		subset_seq = nova_subset_seq
-	}
-	System.out.println "Seuil de taille de fichier pour subset : " + bytes_subset_seq + " bytes."
-	System.out.println "Nombre de reads pour subset : " + subset_seq + "."
 // ========================================
 //				PROCESS
@@ -112,8 +32,30 @@ process {
 	maxRetries = 2
 	maxErrors = '-1'
-	// ----- WithName
+	// ----- DTM
+	withName: PARSE_REPORTS {
+		executor = 'local'
+	    memory = { 500.MB * task.attempt }
+	    time = { 5.m * task.attempt }
+		publishDir = [
+			path: "${params.outdir}/DTM",
+			mode: 'copy'
+		]
+	}
 	// ----- CORE ----- //
+	withLabel: demux {
+		publishDir = [
+			path: "${params.outdir}/Demux",
+			mode: 'copy'
+		]
+	}
+	withName: DEMUX_STATS {
+		module = toolsModuleHash['R']
+	}
 		publishDir = [
 			path: "${params.outdir}/IlluminaFilter",
@@ -121,8 +63,8 @@ process {
 			pattern: '*.gz'/*,
 			saveAs: { filename -> "${name}.fastq.gz" }*/
-		module = ['bioinfo/fastq_illumina_filter-0.1']
+		module = toolsModuleHash['ILLUMINA_FILTER']
 		cpus = { 3 * task.attempt }
 		time = { 4.h * task.attempt }
@@ -131,9 +73,12 @@ process {
 		publishDir = [
 			path: "${params.outdir}/Duplicats",
 			mode: 'copy',
-			pattern: "*.log"
+			pattern: "*.{log,json}"
-		module = ['bioinfo/fastp-0.23.2']
+		ext.args = "--reads_to_process ${params.fastp_n_reads}"
+		module = toolsModuleHash['FASTP']
 		time = { 5.h * task.attempt }
 		memory = { 3.GB * task.attempt }
 		cpus = { 3 * task.attempt }
@@ -153,27 +98,46 @@ process {
 			saveAs: { filename -> "${name}.html" }
+		module = toolsModuleHash['FASTQC'] 
 		maxRetries = 4
-		module = ['bioinfo/FastQC_v0.11.7']
-		time = { 2.h * task.attempt * params.resource_factor }
+		time = { 5.h * task.attempt * params.resource_factor }
 	withName: FASTQSCREEN {
-		ext.args = [
-            "--conf ${params.inputdir}/fastq_screen.conf"
-		].join(' ')
+		time = { 1.h * task.attempt }
+		module = toolsModuleHash['FASTQSCREEN']
+		ext.args = "--conf ${params.inputdir}/fastq_screen.conf"
+		publishDir = [
+			path: "${params.outdir}/ContaminationSearch/FastQ-Screen",
+			mode: 'copy'
+		]
+	}
+	// ----- DNA ----- //
+	withLabel: bwa {
+		module = toolsModuleHash['BWA']
+		cpus = { 6 * task.attempt }
+	    memory = { 8.GB * task.attempt }
+	    time = { 3.d * task.attempt }
+		publishDir = [
+			path: "${params.outdir}/alignment/bwa",
+			mode: 'copy'
+		]
 	// ----- RNA ----- //
 	withName: SALMON_INDEX {
-		module = ['bioinfo/salmon-1.9.0']
+		module = toolsModuleHash['SALMON']
 		time = { 1.h * task.attempt }
 		memory = { 3.GB * task.attempt }
 		cpus = 8 
 	withName: SALMON_QUANT {
-		module = ['bioinfo/salmon-1.9.0']
+		module = toolsModuleHash['SALMON']
 		time = { 1.h * task.attempt }
 		memory = { 3.GB * task.attempt }
 		cpus = 8 
@@ -185,12 +149,14 @@ process {
-	withName: STAR_INDEX {	
+	withName: STAR_INDEX {
+		module = toolsModuleHash['STAR']
 		memory = { 50.GB * task.attempt }
 		cpus = 8
 	withName: STAR_ALIGN {	
+		module = toolsModuleHash['STAR']
 		memory = { 20.GB * task.attempt }
 		cpus = 2
@@ -199,21 +165,37 @@ process {
 	withLabel: littleJob {
 		executor = 'local'
-	withLabel: cigar {
-		module = ['system/Python-3.7.4:bioinfo/samtools-1.14']
+	withLabel: ngl {
+		beforeScript = "source ${params.ngl_bi_client}/GeT/bash/loadConfFile.sh ${params.ngl_bi_client}/IG/SystemeInteractionNGL-Bi/conf/prod_illumina_qc.conf"
+		publishDir = [
+            path: { "${params.outdir}/ngl" },
+            mode: 'copy',
+			pattern: "*.{log,created}"
+        ]
-	// ----- DNA ----- //
-	withLabel: bwa {
-		module = ['/tools/share/Modules/bioinfo/bwa-0.7.17']
-		beforeScript = "module list"
+	withLabel: samtools {
+		module = toolsModuleHash['SAMTOOLS']
+		cpus = { 6 * task.attempt }
+	    memory = { 8.GB * task.attempt }
+	    time = { 3.h * task.attempt }
-	// ----- RNA ----- //
-	withLabel: star {
-		module = ['bioinfo/STAR-2.7.10a_alpha_220314']
+	withLabel: alignment {
+		publishDir = [
+			path: "${params.outdir}/alignment/samtools",
+			mode: 'copy'
+		]
+	withLabel: alignmentStats {
+		publishDir = [
+			path: "${params.outdir}/alignmentStats/samtools",
+			mode: 'copy'
+		]
+	}
 // ========================================
@@ -221,8 +203,8 @@ process {
 process {
 	withName: SAMTOOLS_FAIDX {
+		module = toolsModuleHash['SAMTOOLS']
 		beforeScript = "module purge"
-		module = ['bioinfo/samtools-1.16.1']
     withName: GZIP {
@@ -247,7 +229,8 @@ process {
         ext.args = '-s100'
         ext.args2 = params.subset_seq
-        module = 'bioinfo/seqtk-1.3'
+		memory  = { 5.GB * task.attempt }
+		module = toolsModuleHash['SEQTK_SAMPLE']
         publishDir = [
             path: { "${params.outdir}/subset" },
@@ -264,7 +247,7 @@ process {
         ].join(' ')
 		beforeScript = "module purge"
-		module = 'bioinfo/MultiQC-1.14'
+		module = toolsModuleHash['MULTIQC']
 		memory = { 10.GB * task.attempt * params.resource_factor }
 		publishDir = [
@@ -276,7 +259,7 @@ process {
 	withName: SORTMERNA {
-        module  = 'bioinfo/sortmerna-4.3.2'
+		module  = toolsModuleHash['SORTMERNA']
         memory  = { 2.GB * task.attempt }
         time    = { 10.h * task.attempt }
         cpus    = { 1 * task.attempt }
@@ -289,10 +272,30 @@ process {
 	withName: MD5SUM {
+		time = { 3.h * task.attempt * params.resource_factor }
 		publishDir = [
             path: { "${params.outdir}/fastq" },
             mode: 'copy',
             pattern: "*.md5sum"
+	withName: QUALIMAP {
+		module = toolsModuleHash['QUALIMAP']
+		cpus = { 8 * task.attempt }
+	    memory = { 2.GB * task.attempt }
+	    time = { 3.h * task.attempt }
+		publishDir = [
+			path: "${params.outdir}/alignmentStats/qualimap",
+			mode: 'copy',
+			pattern: "*/*.html"
+		]
+		publishDir = [
+			path: "${params.outdir}/alignmentStats/qualimap",
+			mode: 'copy',
+			pattern: "*/*.txt"
+		]
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/dependencies_genobioinfo.config b/conf/dependencies_genobioinfo.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5276bced4fa66188eced6aa9f481da55b564ca64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/dependencies_genobioinfo.config
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// ========================================
+// ----- CORE ----- //
+toolsModuleHash['ILLUMINA_FILTER'] = ['bioinfo/fastq_illumina_filter/0.1']
+toolsModuleHash['FASTP'] = ['bioinfo/fastp/0.23.2']
+toolsModuleHash['FASTQC'] = ['bioinfo/FastQC/0.12.1']  // version upgraded face to genologin
+toolsModuleHash['FASTQSCREEN'] = ['bioinfo/FastQScreen/0.15.3']
+toolsModuleHash['R'] = ['statistics/R/4.3.0']
+// ----- RNA ----- //
+toolsModuleHash['SALMON'] = ['bioinfo/Salmon/1.10.0']  // version upgraded face to genologin
+toolsModuleHash['STAR'] = ['bioinfo/STAR/2.7.5a']    // version upgraded face to genologin
+// ----- DNA ----- //
+toolsModuleHash['BWA'] = ['bioinfo/bwa/0.7.17']
+toolsModuleHash['SAMTOOLS'] = ['bioinfo/samtools/1.18']   // version upgraded face to genologin
+// ========================================
+toolsModuleHash['SEQTK_SAMPLE'] = ['bioinfo/Seqtk/1.3']
+toolsModuleHash['MULTIQC'] = ['bioinfo/MultiQC/1.14']
+toolsModuleHash['SORTMERNA'] = ['bioinfo/SortMeRNA/4.3.6']  // version upgraded face to genologin
+toolsModuleHash['QUALIMAP'] = ['bioinfo/Qualimap/31-08-20']
diff --git a/conf/dependencies_genologin.config b/conf/dependencies_genologin.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c9fa92461af40f0436c0cf7d7cd4c6d6208a63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/dependencies_genologin.config
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// ========================================
+// ----- CORE ----- //
+toolsModuleHash['ILLUMINA_FILTER'] = ['bioinfo/fastq_illumina_filter-0.1']
+toolsModuleHash['FASTP'] = ['bioinfo/fastp-0.23.2']
+toolsModuleHash['FASTQC'] = ['bioinfo/FastQC_v0.11.7']
+toolsModuleHash['FASTQSCREEN'] = ['bioinfo/FastQ-Screen-0.15.2']
+toolsModuleHash['R'] = ['system/R-4.0.4_gcc-9.3.0']
+// ----- RNA ----- //
+toolsModuleHash['SALMON'] = ['bioinfo/salmon-1.9.0']
+toolsModuleHash['STAR'] = ['bioinfo/STAR-2.7.10a_alpha_220314']
+// ----- DNA ----- //
+toolsModuleHash['BWA'] = ['/tools/share/Modules/bioinfo/bwa-0.7.17']
+toolsModuleHash['SAMTOOLS'] = ['bioinfo/samtools-1.16.1']
+// ========================================
+toolsModuleHash['SEQTK_SAMPLE'] = ['bioinfo/seqtk-1.3']
+toolsModuleHash['MULTIQC'] = ['bioinfo/MultiQC-1.14']
+toolsModuleHash['SORTMERNA'] = ['bioinfo/sortmerna-4.3.2']
+toolsModuleHash['QUALIMAP'] = ['bioinfo/qualimap-31-08-20']
diff --git a/conf/functions.config b/conf/functions.config
index f16fa59e2ac46f7247bc9df28cacba8aef259b06..2099a7ac3da22b1b3cae6bd333e8a73a5a0fa1f9 100644
--- a/conf/functions.config
+++ b/conf/functions.config
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def customMailSend(body, subject, email_address) {
     if (email_address == null) {
         email_address = params.email_bioinfo
-    if (workflow.profile == 'dev') {
+    if (params.is_dev_mode) {
         email_address = params.email_dev
         try {
             def sending = ['echo', '-e' , body ].execute() | [ 'mail', '-s', subject, email_address  ].execute()
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def sendFinalMail(formatted_date, summary) {
 	if (!params.email && params.email_on_fail && !workflow.success) {
 		email_address = params.email_on_fail
-    if (workflow.profile == 'dev') {
+    if (params.is_dev_mode) {
         email_address = params.email_dev
 	// Render the TXT template
diff --git a/conf/genomes.config b/conf/genomes.config
deleted file mode 100644
index b8ef76186a407aaa8519d819daebeb509aa3ce5b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conf/genomes.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * -------------------------------------------------
- *  Nextflow config file for Genomes paths and indexes
- * -------------------------------------------------
- * Defines reference genomes, using Genome paths
- * Can be used by any config that customises the base
-  */
-params {
-  genomes {
-    'GRCh37' {
-      bed12   = "${params.genomes_base}/Homo_sapiens/Ensembl/GRCh37/Annotation/Genes/genes.bed"
-      fasta   = "${params.genomes_base}/Homo_sapiens/Ensembl/GRCh37/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/genome.fa"
-      gtf     = "${params.genomes_base}/Homo_sapiens/Ensembl/GRCh37/Annotation/Genes/genes.gtf"
-      star    = "${params.genomes_base}/Homo_sapiens/Ensembl/GRCh37/Sequence/STARIndex/"
-      bowtie2 = "${params.genomes_base}/Homo_sapiens/Ensembl/GRCh37/Sequence/Bowtie2Index/"
-      bwa     = "${params.genomes_base}/Homo_sapiens/Ensembl/GRCh37/Sequence/BWAIndex/"
-    }
-    'GRCm38' {
-      bed12   = "${params.genomes_base}/Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCm38/Annotation/Genes/genes.bed"
-      fasta   = "${params.genomes_base}/Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCm38/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/genome.fa"
-      gtf     = "${params.genomes_base}/Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCm38/Annotation/Genes/genes.gtf"
-      star    = "${params.genomes_base}/Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCm38/Sequence/STARIndex/"
-      bowtie2 = "${params.genomes_base}/Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCh37/Sequence/Bowtie2Index/"
-      bwa     = "${params.genomes_base}/Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCh37/Sequence/BWAIndex/"
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/conf/prod.config b/conf/prod.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dee02a8bfb1e9d73ae2b277f0f9eded2cbff689..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conf/prod.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// ========================================
-//				PARAMS
-params {
-	ngl_bi_client = '/home/sbsuser/save/scripts-ngs/NGL-Bi_client_Current'
-	shared_modules = '/home/sbsuser/save/scripts-ngs/shared_modules_Current'
-// ========================================
-process {
-	withLabel: ngl {
-		beforeScript = "source ${params.ngl_bi_client}/GeT/bash/loadConfFile.sh ${params.ngl_bi_client}/IG/SystemeInteractionNGL-Bi/conf/prod_illumina_qc.conf"
-		publishDir = [
-            path: { "${params.outdir}/ngl" },
-            mode: 'copy',
-			pattern: "*.{log,created}"
-        ]
-	}
-	withLabel: samtools {
-		module = ['bioinfo/samtools-1.14']
-		cpus = { 6 * task.attempt }
-	    memory = { 8.GB * task.attempt }
-	    time = { 3.h * task.attempt }
-	}
-	withLabel: qualimap {
-		module = ['system/R-3.4.3:bioinfo/qualimap-31-08-20']
-		beforeScript='unset DISPLAY'
-		cpus = { 8 * task.attempt }
-	    memory = { 2.GB * task.attempt }
-	    time = { 3.h * task.attempt }
-	}
-	withName: BWA_ALIGNMENT {
-		cpus = { 6 * task.attempt }
-	    memory = { 8.GB * task.attempt }
-	    time = { 3.d * task.attempt }
-	}
-// ========================================
-includeConfig "$baseDir/conf/report.config"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/report.config b/conf/report.config
index 68b3e9d587fbe1781096df6012ef03f3e2f69b04..2c00805068d4ed6c20e39518db6b4337b519341c 100644
--- a/conf/report.config
+++ b/conf/report.config
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ manifest {
 	description = "Workflow for Illumina data quality control"
 	mainScript = 'main.nf'
 	nextflowVersion = '>=0.32.0'
-	version = '1.2.4'
+	version = '1.6.0'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/test.config b/conf/test.config
index 7e37ac0ae723cb5c49e4f8e60f66443276473d19..23c2af36f96925678e3b192b469a231417cce5fd 100644
--- a/conf/test.config
+++ b/conf/test.config
@@ -4,45 +4,5 @@
 params {
 	ngl_bi_client = '/home/sbsuser/work/test/jules/VisualStudioSources/ngl-bi_client/'
 	shared_modules = '/home/sbsuser/work/Nextflow/shared_modules/ExportSources_Jules/'
+	is_dev_mode = true
-// ========================================
-process {
-	withLabel: ngl {
-		beforeScript = "source ${params.ngl_bi_client}/GeT/bash/loadConfFile.sh ${params.ngl_bi_client}/IG/SystemeInteractionNGL-Bi/conf/dev_illumina_qc.conf"
-		publishDir = [
-            path: { "${params.outdir}/ngl" },
-            mode: 'copy',
-			pattern: "*.{log,created}"
-        ]
-	}
-	withLabel: samtools {
-		module = ['bioinfo/samtools-1.14']
-		cpus = { 1 * task.attempt }
-	    memory = { 2.GB * task.attempt }
-	    time = { 10.m * task.attempt }
-	}
-	withLabel: qualimap {
-		module = ['system/R-3.4.3:bioinfo/qualimap-31-08-20']
-		beforeScript='unset DISPLAY'
-		cpus = { 1 * task.attempt }
-	    memory = { 2.GB * task.attempt }
-	    time = { 10.m * task.attempt }
-	}
-	withName: BWA_ALIGNMENT {
-		cpus = { 6 * task.attempt }
-	    memory = { 8.GB * task.attempt }
-	    time = { 3.d * task.attempt }
-	}
-// ========================================
-includeConfig "$baseDir/conf/report.config"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/local/module_DTM.nf b/modules/local/module_DTM.nf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..451b3cd8464f729c96d5ad805baa904cb08f262a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/local/module_DTM.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ *	Module pour la gestion des analyses particulières dans le cadre d'un DTM
+process PARSE_REPORTS {	
+	tag "$sample"
+	input:
+		tuple val(sample), path(fastp_json_report)
+		tuple val(sample), path(qualimap_folder)
+	output:
+		tuple val(sample), path("*.csv"), emit: csv
+	script:
+	"""
+		bash parse_reports.sh $sample $fastp_json_report $qualimap_folder
+	"""
diff --git a/modules/local/module_NGL-Bi.nf b/modules/local/module_NGL-Bi.nf
index 96f29d5f40edc0861fe33e3b93ed25aeb724cb11..e243b2e0687127c2fbfb40f4d5d7f8083d103cb0 100644
--- a/modules/local/module_NGL-Bi.nf
+++ b/modules/local/module_NGL-Bi.nf
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+ * Ensemble de process pour l'interraction avec NGL-Bi
+ * Process pour la création de traitement SAV
+ */
 process prepareReadSetCreation {
@@ -17,38 +20,27 @@ process prepareReadSetCreation {
-process readsetNGLBiCreation {
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/NGLBi" , mode: 'copy', pattern: '*.created'
-	executor = 'local'
-	beforeScript = "export ENV_NGL='/save/sbsuser/scripts-ngs/NGL-Bi_client_Current/IG/SystemeInteractionNGL-Bi/'"
-	errorStrategy = { 'ignore' }
-	input :
-		path infoFile
-	output :
-		path 'ReadsetsNGL-Bi.created', emit: readSetFile
-		path 'ReadsetsNGL-BiCreation.log', emit: readSetLog
-	script :
-	"""
-		createNGLBiReadSets.pl --infoFile $infoFile --env_ngl_bi \$ENV_NGL 2> ReadsetsNGL-BiCreation.log 1> ReadsetsNGL-Bi.created
-	"""
+	label 'ngl'
-process checkErrorFromNGLBi {
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/NGLBi" , mode: 'copy'
-		path logFile
+		val nglCode
+		path csvFile
+		val lane
-		path 'ReadsetsNGL-BiCreation.log'
+		path("*.log")
+		val 1, emit: ready
+	laneOption = lane ? "--lane $lane" : ''
+	forceOption = workflow.resume ? "--force" : ''
-		checkErrorNGLScripts.pl --file $logFile
+		perl ${params.ngl_bi_client}/GeT/perl/illumina/createNGL-BiTreatmentDemultiplexStat.pl \\
+			--code $nglCode \\
+			--stat $csvFile \\
+			${laneOption} \\
+			${forceOption} \\
+			1> treatment_demux_${lane}.log
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/local/module_core.nf b/modules/local/module_core.nf
index 9b7f25c368e1b6f6d11f9be7494065d42731307a..cf7e9f64234dbb9b18a618e5b7ef9f3a44067ba0 100644
--- a/modules/local/module_core.nf
+++ b/modules/local/module_core.nf
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/Demux" , mode: 'copy'
+	label 'demux'
 		path SampleSheet
-		path "*.indexNumber"
+		path "indexNumber.tsv"
@@ -19,9 +19,7 @@ process PREP_DEMUXSTAT {
 process DEMUX_STATS {
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/Demux" , mode: 'copy'
-	//module 'system/R-4.0.4_gcc-9.3.0'		// Ne fonctionne pas !
+	label 'demux'
 		path DemuxStatXML
@@ -30,11 +28,10 @@ process DEMUX_STATS {
 		path 'demultiplexStats.log', emit: log
-		path "DemultiplexStats_*", emit: demultiplexStatsCSV
+		path "DemultiplexStats.tsv", emit: demultiplexStatsTSV
-		module load system/R-4.0.4_gcc-9.3.0
 		demuxStatsFromXML.R --xml $DemuxStatXML --indexNumber $IndexNumberFile --demuxSum $DemuxSummary > demultiplexStats.log
@@ -75,12 +72,7 @@ process ILLUMINA_FILTER {
-process FASTQSCREEN {
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/ContaminationSearch/FastQ-Screen", mode: 'copy'
-	module 'bioinfo/FastQ-Screen-0.15.2'
-	time { 1.h * task.attempt }
+process FASTQSCREEN {	
 	tag " $sample"
@@ -97,7 +89,6 @@ process FASTQSCREEN {
 	tag "$sample"
@@ -110,6 +101,7 @@ process DUPLICATED_READS {
+	def args = task.ext.args ?: ''
 		fastp \
 		-i !{fastq[0]} \
@@ -120,6 +112,7 @@ process DUPLICATED_READS {
 		--disable_quality_filtering \
 		--disable_length_filtering \
 		--json !{R1_name}_fastp.json \
+		!{args} \
 		2> !{R1_name}.log
diff --git a/modules/local/module_dna.nf b/modules/local/module_dna.nf
index 8dc0709098973e3c6281c20c58ed7eac1ed5feed..2afa1986d1028fb0b96b6fd4e19eed5d6e806541 100644
--- a/modules/local/module_dna.nf
+++ b/modules/local/module_dna.nf
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
 process BWA_ALIGNMENT {
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/alignment/bwa" , mode: 'copy'
 	tag "$sample"
 	label 'bwa'
@@ -19,16 +18,15 @@ process BWA_ALIGNMENT {
 	def reference = params.reference_genome ?: params.reference_transcriptome
 	def referenceName=file(reference).toString().split('/')[6]
-		bwa mem ${reference} ${reads} 1> ${sample}_${referenceName}.sam 2> ${sample}_${referenceName}.log
+		bwa mem ${reference} ${reads} -t ${task.cpus} 1> ${sample}_${referenceName}.sam 2> ${sample}_${referenceName}.log
 process SAMTOOLS_VIEW { 
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/alignment/samtools" , mode: 'copy'
 	tag "$sample"
 	label 'samtools'
+	label 'alignment'
 		tuple val(sample), path(sam)
@@ -38,16 +36,15 @@ process SAMTOOLS_VIEW {
-		samtools view -bS ${sam} > ${sample}.bam
+		samtools view -bS ${sam} -@ ${task.cpus} > ${sample}.bam
 process SAMTOOLS_SORT {
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/alignment/samtools" , mode: 'copy'
 	tag "$sample"
 	label 'samtools'
+	label 'alignment'
 		tuple val(sample), path(bam)
@@ -64,11 +61,10 @@ process SAMTOOLS_SORT {
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/alignmentStats/samtools" , mode: 'copy'
 	tag "$sample"
 	label 'samtools'
+	label 'alignmentStats'
 		tuple val(sample), path(bam)
@@ -83,29 +79,6 @@ process SAMTOOLS_FLAGSTATS {
-process QUALIMAP {
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/alignmentStats/qualimap" , mode: 'copy', pattern: "*.html"
-	publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/alignmentStats/qualimap" , mode: 'copy', pattern: "*.txt"
-	tag "$sample"
-	label 'qualimap'
-	errorStrategy = { 'ignore' }
-	input:
-		tuple val(sample), path(bam)
-	output:
-		tuple val(sample), path("*.log"), emit: log
-		tuple val(sample), path("*/*"), emit: all	// ${sample}_stats/*
-		tuple val(sample), path("${sample}"), emit: report
-	script:
-	"""
-		qualimap bamqc -bam ${bam} -outdir ${sample} 1> ${sample}.log
-	"""
diff --git a/nextflow.config b/nextflow.config
index 157085f18b2fb84c07659ac2d27fbaebbe8e6577..5541f97e1ce518c9e7666e0b2a3a208c75bb92f3 100644
--- a/nextflow.config
+++ b/nextflow.config
@@ -1,18 +1,70 @@
 // ========================================
-//				PARAMS
-// =========================================
-// Global params
-params {	
+params {
+	// ----- GLOBAL PARAMETERS -----
+	inputdir = ""
+	project = ""
+	sequencer = ""
+	machine_id = ""
+	fc_id = ""
+	fc_type = ""
+	lane = ""
+	demux_uniqueness = ""
+	data_nature = ""
+	species = ""
+	is_multiplex = false
+	run_name = ""
+	run_date = ""
+	description = ""
+	split_reads = false
+	// DNA / RNA params
+	reference_genome = ""
+	make_star_index = false
+	reference_transcriptome = ""
+	// Amplicon / 16S params
+	min_overlap = ""
+	max_overlap = ""
+	// 10X params
+	// MethylSeq params
+	puc19 = ""
+	lambda = ""
+	// NGL
+	ngl_bi_client = '/home/sbsuser/save/scripts-ngs/NGL-Bi_client_Current'
+	insert_to_ngl = true
+	bi_run_code = ''
+	sq_xp_code = ''
+	// Shared Modules
+	shared_modules = '/home/sbsuser/save/scripts-ngs/shared_modules_Current'
+	cluster_options = ''
+	is_dev_mode = false
+	DTM_mode = false
+	host = 'genologin'
+	email=""
+	email_dev="jules.sabban@inrae.fr"
+	email_on_fail="jules.sabban@inrae.fr"
+	email_bioinfo="get-plage.bioinfo@genotoul.fr"
+	//email_labo="get-plage.labo@genotoul.fr"
+	email_labo=""
+	// ----- TOOLS PARAMETERS -----
 	// Subset fastq files params
-	large_sampling_threshold = 200				// 200 samples run is high multiplexed
-	miseq_subset_byte = 20000000				// in byte <=> 20 000 reads
-	miseq_subset_seq = 20000					// in reads
-	nova_subset_byte = 700000000				// in byte <=> 1 000 000 reads
-	nova_subset_seq = 1000000					// in reads
-	large_indexing_nova_subset_byte = 350000000	// in byte <=> 500 000 reads
-	large_indexing_nova_subset_seq = 500000		// in reads
+	no_subset = false										// to skip subset step -> use every reads to align
+	large_sampling_threshold = 200							// 200 samples run is high multiplexed
+	miseq_subset_seq = "50000"								// in reads must be a string
+	nova_subset_seq = "50000000"							// in reads 
+	large_indexing_nova_subset_seq = "500000"				// in reads
 	// RNA QC
 	sortmerna_db_path = '/usr/local/bioinfo/src/SortMeRNA/sortmerna-2.1b/rRNA_databases'
@@ -23,50 +75,70 @@ params {
 	sortmerna_euk_18s = sortmerna_db_path + '/silva-euk-18s-id95.fasta'
 	sortmerna_euk_28s = sortmerna_db_path + '/silva-euk-28s-id98.fasta'
-	email=""
-	email_dev="jules.sabban@inrae.fr"
-	email_on_fail="jules.sabban@inrae.fr"
-	email_bioinfo="get-plage.bioinfo@genotoul.fr"
-	//email_labo="get-plage.labo@genotoul.fr"
-	email_labo=""
-	cluster_options = ''
+	// FASTP
+	fastp_n_reads = 100000000
 	// skip parameters
 	skip_core_illumina = false
-	monochrome_logs = true
 	help = false
-	config_profile_description = false	// ??
-	config_profile_contact = false	// ??
-	config_profile_url = false	// ??
+// ========================================
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
+SimpleDateFormat uniqueness_format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss")
+import java.nio.file.Files
+import java.nio.file.Paths
+params.data_location = params.inputdir.toString() + "/" + params.project.toString()
+def n_read_files = Files.walk(Paths.get(params.data_location))
+	.filter(Files::isRegularFile)
+	.filter(p -> p.getFileName().toString().matches(".*_R[12](_.*)?\\.fastq\\.gz"))
+	.count()
+params.n_samples = n_read_files / 2
+params.resource_factor = 0.1 * params.n_samples
+params {
+	// Dynamics params, depend on others
+	samplesheet = inputdir.toString() + "/SampleSheet.csv"
+	nf_uniqueness = uniqueness_format.format(new Date())
+	outdir = params.inputdir + "/nextflow/" + project + "_" + run_name + "_" + nf_uniqueness
+	subset_seq = miseq_subset_seq	
+	if ( sequencer =~ /NovaSeq.*/ ) {
+		if ( n_samples >= large_sampling_threshold ) {
+			nova_subset_seq = large_indexing_nova_subset_seq
+		}
+		subset_seq = nova_subset_seq
+	}
 // ========================================
-// Load base.config by default for all pipelines
-includeConfig "$baseDir/conf/base.config"
+toolsModuleHash = [:]
+if (params.host == 'genologin') {
+	includeConfig "$baseDir/conf/dependencies_genologin.config"
+} else if (params.host == 'genobioinfo') {
+	includeConfig "$baseDir/conf/dependencies_genobioinfo.config"
-System.out.println "Les configurations de bases sont chargées"
+// Load base.config and report.config by default for all pipelines
+includeConfig "$baseDir/conf/base.config"
+includeConfig "$baseDir/conf/report.config"
 // Container slug. Stable releases should specify release tag!
 // Developmental code should specify :dev
 process.container = "$baseDir/template-nf.sif"
 profiles {
-	conda { process.conda = "$baseDir/environment.yml" }
-	debug { process.beforeScript = 'echo $HOSTNAME' }
-	docker { docker.enabled = true }
-	singularity { singularity.enabled = true }
-	dev { includeConfig "$baseDir/conf/test.config" }
-	prod { includeConfig "$baseDir/conf/prod.config" }
+	dev		{ includeConfig "$baseDir/conf/test.config" }
-System.out.println "Tous les profiles ont été analysés"
 // Avoid this error:
 // WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
 // Testing this in nf-core after discussion here https://github.com/nf-core/tools/pull/351, once this is established and works well, nextflow might implement this behavior as new default.
@@ -74,4 +146,3 @@ docker.runOptions = '-u \$(id -u):\$(id -g)'
 // Capture exit codes from upstream processes when piping
 process.shell = ['/bin/bash', '-euo', 'pipefail']
-System.out.println "Sortie du nextflow.config"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sub-workflows/local/core_illumina.nf b/sub-workflows/local/core_illumina.nf
index 6a79fdff11ca9db5709b0aceb77675f0a74d68e6..a03cd6f04d8c83201f2653be7c6a013d2dad847d 100644
--- a/sub-workflows/local/core_illumina.nf
+++ b/sub-workflows/local/core_illumina.nf
@@ -47,5 +47,6 @@ workflow CORE_ILLUMINA {
         fastq = fastq_good
+		demuxStat = DEMUX_STATS.out.demultiplexStatsTSV
diff --git a/sub-workflows/local/core_pipeline.nf b/sub-workflows/local/core_pipeline.nf
index edbb825db4179328dd4da359f45881f042f3cc80..272b1f28c579247548ade23f7c03ead352bf5427 100644
--- a/sub-workflows/local/core_pipeline.nf
+++ b/sub-workflows/local/core_pipeline.nf
@@ -43,28 +43,25 @@ workflow CORE {
 		// ----------- Recherche Duplicats
-		GUNZIP.out.branch{
-			large : it[1].size() >= params.bytes_subset_seq
-			small : it[1].size() < params.bytes_subset_seq
-		}.set{unzip_reads_split}
+		// ----------- Sous-échantillonnage
+		if (params.no_subset) {
+			unzipped_fastq = GUNZIP.out
+		} else {
+			unzipped_fastq = SEQTK_SAMPLE.out
+		}
-		unzip_reads_split.large.count().map{it}.subscribe onNext: { println it + "  large fastq (more than ${params.subset_seq} reads)" }
-		unzip_reads_split.small.count().map{it}.subscribe onNext: { println it + " small fastq" }
-		// Do subset only on large fastq files
-		SEQTK_SAMPLE(unzip_reads_split.large)
-		DUPLICATED_READS(unzip_reads_split.small
-				.mix(SEQTK_SAMPLE.out)
-				.collect{it[1]}
-				.flatten()
-				.map { $it -> [ ($it.simpleName =~ /(.*)_R[1-2]_.*/)[0][1] , $it ] }
-				.groupTuple()
+		DUPLICATED_READS(unzipped_fastq
+			.collect{it[1]}
+			.flatten()
+			.map { $it -> [ ($it.simpleName =~ /(.*)_R[1-2]_.*/)[0][1] , $it ] }
+			.groupTuple()
 		) // need fastq paired !!!
 		fastqc_report = FASTQC.out.zip ?: Channel.empty()
 		fastqscreen_report = FASTQSCREEN.out.report ?: Channel.empty()
 		fastp_report = DUPLICATED_READS.out.json
-		subset_fastq = unzip_reads_split.small.mix(SEQTK_SAMPLE.out)
+		subset_fastq = unzipped_fastq
 		fastq_md5 = MD5SUM.out
diff --git a/sub-workflows/local/dna_qc.nf b/sub-workflows/local/dna_qc.nf
index 57e1a0845c112de54f45d68c83a702c100c15249..f41af2e8b33323e923cae0c78d5019f0fa30a0d6 100644
--- a/sub-workflows/local/dna_qc.nf
+++ b/sub-workflows/local/dna_qc.nf
@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ include { 	BWA_ALIGNMENT;
 } from "$baseDir/modules/local/module_dna.nf"
+include { 	QUALIMAP } from "${params.shared_modules}/qualimap.nf"
 // -------------------------------------------------
 // 					WORKFLOW
diff --git a/workflow/illumina_qc.nf b/workflow/illumina_qc.nf
index 04c0e66e896dc51407fa4a58c519cfaec5ec80cf..5d2e895841a4d3625c39d9317e939a0ec6d72f4d 100644
--- a/workflow/illumina_qc.nf
+++ b/workflow/illumina_qc.nf
@@ -57,15 +57,19 @@ createDir = file(params.outdir).mkdir()
 // -------------------------------------------------
 // 					INCLUDES
 // -------------------------------------------------
-include { NGLBI			} from "$baseDir/sub-workflows/local/begin_nglbi.nf"
-include { CORE_ILLUMINA } from "$baseDir/sub-workflows/local/core_illumina.nf"
-include { CORE			} from "$baseDir/sub-workflows/local/core_pipeline.nf"
-include { DNA_QC		} from "$baseDir/sub-workflows/local/dna_qc.nf"
-include { RNA_QC		} from "$baseDir/sub-workflows/local/rna_qc.nf"
-include { MULTIQC		} from "${params.shared_modules}/multiqc.nf"
-include { workflow_summary as WORKFLOW_SUMMARY } from "${params.shared_modules}/workflow_summary.nf"
-include { UPDATE_NGLBI_STATE_FROM_FILE as UPDATE_STATE_FQC } from "${params.shared_modules}/ngl_bi.nf"
-include { READSET_FILE_FROM_FILE as ADD_RS_RAW_FILES } from "${params.shared_modules}/ngl_bi.nf" addParams(ext: 'RAW')
+include {	NGLBI		} from "$baseDir/sub-workflows/local/begin_nglbi.nf"
+include {	CORE_ILLUMINA } from "$baseDir/sub-workflows/local/core_illumina.nf"
+include {	CORE		} from "$baseDir/sub-workflows/local/core_pipeline.nf"
+include {	DNA_QC		} from "$baseDir/sub-workflows/local/dna_qc.nf"
+include {	RNA_QC		} from "$baseDir/sub-workflows/local/rna_qc.nf"
+include { 	PARSE_REPORTS } from "$baseDir/modules/local/module_DTM.nf"
+						} from "$baseDir/modules/local/module_NGL-Bi.nf"
+include {	MULTIQC		} from "${params.shared_modules}/multiqc.nf"
+include {	workflow_summary as WORKFLOW_SUMMARY } from "${params.shared_modules}/workflow_summary.nf"
+include {	UPDATE_NGLBI_STATE_FROM_FILE as UPDATE_STATE_FQC } from "${params.shared_modules}/ngl_bi.nf"
+include {	READSET_FILE_FROM_FILE as ADD_RS_RAW_FILES } from "${params.shared_modules}/ngl_bi.nf" addParams(ext: 'RAW')
 // -------------------------------------------------
 // 					 EMAIL ON START
 // -------------------------------------------------
@@ -84,21 +88,38 @@ workflow ILLUMINA_QC {
-	if ( ! params.skip_core_illumina ) {
+	if ( params.skip_core_illumina ) {
+		fastq = ch_read
+	} else {
 		CORE_ILLUMINA(ch_ss, ch_DemuxStatXML, ch_DemuxSummary, ch_read)
 		fastq = CORE_ILLUMINA.out.fastq
-	} else {
-		fastq = ch_read
+		if (params.insert_to_ngl){
+			// Add demultiplexStat treatments
+			TREATMENT_DEMUX_RUN(params.bi_run_code, CORE_ILLUMINA.out.demuxStat, params.lane)
+			TREATMENT_DEMUX_READSETS(NGLBI.out.readsetsFile, CORE_ILLUMINA.out.demuxStat, '')
+		}
 	if (params.data_nature == 'DNA') {
-		DNA_QC(CORE.out.subset_fastq)
+		DNA_QC(CORE.out.subset_fastq
+			.collect{it[1]}
+			.flatten()
+			.map { $it -> [ ($it.simpleName =~ /(.*)_R[1-2]_.*/)[0][1] , $it ] }
+			.groupTuple()
+		)
 		ch_mqc = ch_mqc.mix(
+		// DTM process
+		if (params.DTM_mode) {
+			PARSE_REPORTS(CORE.out.fastp_report, DNA_QC.out.qualimap_report)
+		}
 	} else if (params.data_nature =~ 'RNA') {
 		RNA_QC(CORE.out.subset_fastq, ch_sortmerna_db)
 		ch_mqc = ch_mqc.mix(
@@ -145,6 +166,13 @@ workflow ILLUMINA_QC {
 def end_mail_sent = false
 workflow.onComplete {
 	end_mail_sent = sendFinalMail(format.format(new Date()), params.summary)
+	// remove work directory if pipeline is successful
+	if (workflow.success && !params.is_dev_mode) {
+		println "Pipeline terminé avec succès => suppression du workdir : $workflow.workDir"
+		exec:
+			workflow.workDir.deleteDir()
+	}
 workflow.onError { }
\ No newline at end of file